Updated storyboard

In this blogpost, I will be going over our new and improved storyboard made after our filming was over. 

With our film done most of these changes are final and correlate directly with the film. In the beginning rather than following the main character with an over the shoulder shot out of work, we decided to have a still shot behind a bush. Most of the shots also are taken in a wide shot rather than our intended extreme wide shot, along with editing the scene to fade to black rather than a jump cut. 

Furthermore, the car scene was cut down to fit the time we needed, with less close ups and another fade to black transition to driving. The driving shot is also more focused on the car ahead rather than the stalker driving. Onto the garage scene, we once again made careful decisions to cut out shots we wouldn’t need in order to fulfill our time. A long shot similar to the opening shot is used, once again behind a bush for the stalkers perspective, we also changed the jumping in the garage scene, rather having the SC foot stop the garage from closing.

The final scene mostly stayed the original way we had planned it just rather changing the lighting used and make sure our MC seem surprised and afraid followed by a lighthearted phrase from the SC.


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